New Spanish Web Resources

(March 15, 2022) To support the needs of the Spanish-speaking organic agricultural community, OMRI has translated the online PDF version of the OMRI Products List© into Spanish. The downloadable OMRI Products List currently includes more than 9,000 products OMRI Listed for use under USDA National Organic Program standards. The translation is the latest in an ongoing series of website improvements geared toward better serving OMRI’s Spanish-speaking audiences. The latest updates mean that:
- The Descargue la Lista de Productos OMRI page now provides access to a Spanish version of the OMRI Products List as a downloadable PDF.
- Certificates for products that are OMRI Listed® to the USDA NOP standards are now available in Spanish. The Spanish version of a certificate can be accessed via the certificate hyperlink in the Spanish search results, or by toggling to “Español” when viewing an English certificate.
- search results for the U.S. NOP Ruling Body—including products, categories, glossary terms and Livestock Vitamins & Minerals list—are all now available in Spanish via OMRI’s comprehensive web search tool.
Although OMRI accepts applications in Spanish for products reviewed to the Mexico Organic Products Law (LPO) standards, current and prospective OMRI applicants must continue to apply for NOP or Canada Organic Regime product reviews in English. The new resources will allow Spanish-speaking users to use the OMRI Products List more readily and easily in all countries and areas that produce organic foods and fibers certified under the USDA NOP standards.
Founded in 1997 by organic certifiers and stakeholders, OMRI provides an independent review of input products to determine which inputs are allowed for organic use. Over the past two decades, the organization has grown to over 9,000 OMRI Listed® products, reviewed to the U.S. National Organic Program standards, the Canada Organic Regime standards, and the Mexico Organic Products Law.
Roger Plant
OMRI Marketing Manager
(541) 343-7600